244, 2nd Floor, Sakar VII, Nehru Bridge,
Ashram Road, Ahmedabad. Gujarat, India.
For Membership Enquiry Call: 9825091851 / Office Telephone Operator Number: 9925811162
Email: ummbonline786@gmail.com

***Good News***........ Alhamdulillah Universal Ramazaan Special Offer Pay For New Membership Or Re New Old Membership and Get +3 Months Extra....Free....Free....Free..... Hurry Offer End on 30th Ramzaan ( 6 Month +3 Month Free= Total 9 Month ) For More Detail Please Call on 9825091851 Please Note During Ramazaan Office Time is 10 AM to 5 PM

Membership Plans

1>>> Silver Membership 1500/-Rs In Silver Membership You have to select Suitable and Appropriate match as per Your preference From Our website, then We will Provide You that Candidate Parents Contact detail by Phone Or by E-mail. Then After You Or Your Parents have to talk with that Candidate Family and send Proposal by Yourself Also You need to do further follow up for family meeting by Yourself.

2>>> Golden Membership 3000/-Rs…..In Golden Membership We will Appoint a Relationship Manager for You who will do follow up work behalf of you. First You have to select Suitable and Appropriate match as per Your preference from our website, then Give that Profile ID Number to Your Relationship Manager. Then Your Relationship Manager will talk with Candidate Parents Behalf of You and Give them your Profile full details by phone call, Also will Give them your profile ID number and Contact Number by SMS. After that Your Relationship Manager will Give them Three days time for Family Discussion. After Three Days Again Your Relationship Manager will contact them and check they are Interested in Your Proposal ? If Candidate Family give Positive Response and say YES they are interested in Your proposal then Your Relationship Manager will call You and give You that Candidate Parents Contact Number for further communication. After that You Or Your parent have to talk with Candidate Family and need to arrange meeting and further follow up by Yourself. But If After three days Candidate family gave Negative Response and say Not Interested in Your proposal then also Your Relationship Manager will Call you and Inform you the same So You can select some other new profile from our website and give that ID Number to Your Relationship Manager for further follow up.

3>>> Diamond Membership 4500/-Rs…… In Diamond Membership We will Appoint a Relationship Manager for You who will do follow up work behalf of you as per Describe in Golden Membership Plan, But Main Different Of Diamond Membership is >>> If Candidate Family give Positive Response and say YES they are interested in Your proposal then For Further Meeting Arrangement Follow up work ALSO DONE By Your Relationship Manager……If get Positive Response from Candidate family then Your Relationship Manager will talk with both Family’s and check with them the Best suitable and convenient Date, Time and Place for Meeting for Both Family and Arranger the Family Meeting as per the same, Before One day of Meeting Date Your Relationship Manager will Remained Both Family for next day Meeting Date, Time and Place. After Meeting Done then Your Relationship Manager will Call to Candidate family and check What is the Final decision of Candidate Family for Your proposal. And inform You the same

Add On Services:

1>>> Premium SMS Blast: 1200/-Rs …… Send Your ID Number Name Age Education Occupation City and Other Bio data Sort Information with Your Own Mobile Number to All this Thousands of Universal Muslim Marriage Bureau Members within a Second and Get Instant Response Directly to your Own Mobile Phone.

2>>> Star Profile: 600/-Rs…….. Set Your Bio data in Star Profile Category File Get Highlighted and Get More Response in Compare of General Members.

3>>> Weekly Profile Alert: 2400/-Rs…….. You Are So Busy and Can’t Get Time to Come Office Or Check Website for Find Suitable Bio data ? then Relax, Just take weekly Profile Alert Service and We will Suggest and Send You Three profile Every Week till Three Months By Phone Call , SMS. We suggest you Profile basis of Your Age Education Occupation Cast and City Criteria Appropriate match.

All Membership Fees is Revised on 1st January 2024.

Rules and Regulations for candidate and Parents:

(1) In silver Membership Candidate can take Maximum five Profile Contact Number per day by Phone call or By Email.

(2) In Golden/Diamond Membership Candidate can Select Maximum Fifty Profile during in Membership period and can Give Maximum five Profile follow up Per Week.

(3) In Golden/Diamond Membership As per Our Work Format after Send Proposal to Your selected Profile Relationship manager will give them Three days time for Family Discussion. Most of Family’s Give replies in Three days but in some case few families may take long time to give reply, In that case Golden/Diamond Members have to keep patience for Get Answer.

(4) After send Proposal Relationship Manager will call to Your Selected Profile family up to Three times for Get there answer. After three attempts still that Family Not Give any Clear Answer then Relationship Manager Will Stop Further follow up with that Profile.

(5) After Get Positive Response from Your Selected Profile. Golden/Diamond members First you have to Arrange Meeting as Early as Possible with that Family as per Both Family Most Convenient time, Date and Place. And if After Meeting it will Not Work out Positively then Only Give New Profile ID for New Follow up. Golden/Diamond Members Cannot Give New Profile ID Follow up if have any Pending meetings for His / Her Selected Profile.

(6) Silver /Golden/Diamond Members candidate and Parents have to select Profile which is appropriate match as per Both Profile Age / Education / Cast / Marital Status / Partner Expectations. If you select any profile which is Mismatch then Relationship manager and Office Staff have Rights to Not Share That Profile Contact details And Not follow up with that Profile.

(7) As Most of Unmarried Members Do Not Prefer to Get Proposal from Divorcee / Separated / Widow/Widower / Married Candidate, So We have policy that We will Not Share any Unmarried Profile Contact details with Divorcee / Separated / Widow/Widower / Married Candidate. Same as Also Not do Proposal follow up work.

(8) As we have some age wise Criteria in Our Society for Marriage so We have Policy that for Male Candidate We will Allow to Contact with Girl Candidate who is from same age to not more than 6 years Younger. And for Female Candidate we will allow to Contact with Boy Candidate who is from same age to not more than 6 years Elder.

(9) Membership Fees one’s Paid will be Not Refundable or Not Transferable in any Condition. As We Use Our Time, Energy and Resources for Activate Candidate Profile and Provide service, As Candidate Cannot give back us Our Time, Energy and Resources that’s why we can Not Refund Membership fees, Hope You can Understand and will cooperate.

(10) In Golden and Diamond Membership Relationship Manger will Coordinate with Only One Person in Your Family and Give all follow up reply and Feedback to only one that Person. In Your Family that Contact person Name and Number You have to provide at the time of Registration by Member or His / Her Parents.

(11) Candidate who have Education till School Level, SSC, HSC, Diploma, Collage Dropout, this all Candidate Consider as Undergraduate and We Provide them Only Undergraduate Profile contact Details and Can Do Follow up with Undergraduate Profile Only. Because Graduate and Master Graduate Candidate Most Probably they Prefer Proposal form Graduate and Master Graduate Profile Only.

(12) In some profile in Partner Expectations Column If Candidate did Not Mention Age and Education Criteria that not meaning they do not have Any Age and Education Criteria. Maybe they forget to fill up that Information so in That Case Rule Number (8) and (11) Apply for share Contact details.

(13) Our Office Staff have Rights to Do not Share Contact details with Candidate Or Do Not Follow up If Office Staff Find Candidate Asking Contact detail Or given Follow up ID is Mismatch profile.

(14) Silver Membership, Golden Membership and Diamond Membership Validity is for Six Months and Weekly Profile Alerts Service Validity is for Three Months. After Validity over If Candidate want to Recontinue Membership then Candidate Need to Pay Renew Fees and Renew Fees will be the same as New Membership fees as Written in Membership plane.

(15) We are Sharing Contact Detail by Phone call and Email Only. We Do Not Share Contact Details on WhatsApp.

(16) We are Giving Reply on Email in One Working Day. But some time Due to Overload on work Maybe Get Delay in Reply. Hope You can understand and will cooperate.