244, 2nd Floor, Sakar VII, Nehru Bridge,
Ashram Road, Ahmedabad. Gujarat, India.
For Membership Enquiry Call: 9825091851 / Office Telephone Operator Number: 9925811162
Email: ummbonline786@gmail.com

***Good News***........ Alhamdulillah Universal Ramazaan Special Offer Pay For New Membership Or Re New Old Membership and Get +3 Months Extra....Free....Free....Free..... Hurry Offer End on 30th Ramzaan ( 6 Month +3 Month Free= Total 9 Month ) For More Detail Please Call on 9825091851 Please Note During Ramazaan Office Time is 10 AM to 5 PM

About UMMB:

What does UMMB mean.

During discussion with friends one idea came up. During old age do something which is not only to kill time but to utilize it for the next generation. And during that one seed was sown as to why not open a marriage bureau.

As such there are plenty of marriage bureaus for Muslims. We wanted to do something which was different from the rest and would be acceptable by both old and new generation.

Finding a suitable life partner for their daughter or son is the right for every parent. With children growing up to be marriageable age, parents tend to feel obliged or sometimes happy to go in search for suitable life partner for their children. At such times there is a sudden change in the environment of the home.

A recommendation is asked from each visitor or relative that visits the home. Additional attention is given to the matrimonial ads given in the Sunday news papers. Visits are given to the local marriage bureau.

This is related to parents but what about the younger generation? They too have their thoughts. Need to find a life partner but then who would that be? How would that person be? Will they find a life partner for sure? Where to find? How to find? There is confusion about that as well. Parents have seen the world and there is no doubt that whoever they select as a life partner for their kids is sure to be the best choice for them. They too should have an opinion in the matter is what they prefer and sometimes specify explicitly.

Some families give importance to the choice of their children.” In our times there were no options of our choice; so whatever was decided for us, we lived with it. Today, however things have changed. The means of communication has also increased to a great extent. So why not try for the best possible option. "This kind of thoughts also now occurs in the educated and sensible society members.

One more major issue that has arisen among the people who come down for employment from villages, they lose touch with their loved ones, relations are forgotten in the hectic life, and now the problem arises of finding a suitable match for their children.

Hence to blend the needs of both the young and the old generation the "Universal Muslim Marriage Bureau" - UMMB was born.

UMMB was formed, but then there was a need to build up the trust among the society members and create as many members for this organization. If there are more members then there would be options available for choices. Hence the first aim was decided.... "Your choice is our motive". The organization was successful in gathering more then a thousand members in a very short duration. Still we feel sorry for one thing. Statistically speaking the number of girls in the society are far less then the guys. Yet the number of girl members in UMMB is far more then the guys. Result is that men get a better choice but the girls don’t get a good choice.

Son is the hidden pride of the parents. Some parents feel that if they have a son, people would come to them with an alliance and there is no need for becoming a member of a marriage bureau. It is time to come out of that kind of belief, be it a daughter or son, each needs to get the same kind of opportunity. If we can go out looking for a daughter; then why not do the same for a son? There are a couple of advantages by doing this: One is that the son would get equally many options. Secondly, the girls would also feel confident that looking out in the marriage bureau is a healthy option of finding a life partner. All these thoughts are the basis of UMMB.

How does UMMB work?

Our aim is that whenever someone comes to UMMB for finding a life partner then they should come free of any concerns and come with an open mind and their own will. UMMB works as a library. Here we not only have the manual file of bio data but also all the information is computerized. Whenever a person comes here they are given the complete information of the people looking out for life partners.

In the list they can take out the ID No/ Name of the people they are interested in and can inform the staff of UMMB. Staff of UMMB gives the complete details of the person selected. This file has got the marriage related necessary information. The information is computerized, filed and kept in easy to follow.

When a member asks for the candidate information we provide a computerized copy of the details so that further talks can be initiated.

If the members are interested and are comfortable then they can contact each other. If either of the party is unwilling to call the other party to their home then they can meet up in the office premises of UMMB. UMMB strives to provide complete privacy for both the parties to interact freely and healthily.

What else does UMMB do?

Members who have their own Email Id they can ask for information over the mail as well.

Members of UMMB are provided details by the 10th of the month by letters. Other then that till the extend possible we arrange a gathering for introduction. For this gathering we arrange highly known places like "Varkhvala Party Plot". With all required utilities, beautiful and healthy environment, very famous in the Muslim society of Ahmedabad this plot is available at a very reasonable price Mr. Kamruddin Saheb Rakhvala provides it for UMMB members get together. UMMB is grateful to him and his staff members for that.

In a short duration of one year "Varkhvala Party Plot" is in a way responsible to bring recognition to UMMB in entire Gujarat.

At the end just wish to convey that UMMB is an organization which assists the eligible Muslim younger generation to fulfill their dreams and for that we need the co-operation from the Muslim society, their trust and love. Especially the younger generation would you give? So meet or write to UMMB.

Remember in Duvas
Please keep in touch.
Zulekha Ansari